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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

blog post #2..cave art 101

Last week in class we paint a picture. The picture was about how you can live in a society. our group decided to paint a picture that show how people grow up youngest to oldest  like in life first we start our life with low salary but  when we study  we get better job. So people can   succeed in life. We mixed the chalk and charcoal with Crisco because in old day’s people used to paint with animals fat and some Muslim people can’t use it so we mixed chalk with Crisco.  the paint we drew it was so colorful. it has complementary


  1. I really enjoyed work with you and Juan, we did a fantastic job. I liked how we developed our ideas in put them in our piece of art..

  2. uh yeah me too...i also enjoyed workin with you & juan..we had an awesome day at art class..:)
