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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

blog post #2..cave art 101

Last week in class we paint a picture. The picture was about how you can live in a society. our group decided to paint a picture that show how people grow up youngest to oldest  like in life first we start our life with low salary but  when we study  we get better job. So people can   succeed in life. We mixed the chalk and charcoal with Crisco because in old day’s people used to paint with animals fat and some Muslim people can’t use it so we mixed chalk with Crisco.  the paint we drew it was so colorful. it has complementary

Sunday, September 18, 2011

blog post #1

Creativity is all kind of art source in including science and technology in fact all of civilization that human imagination.
* wonder and be curious because may be its save energy or its give more power.  The light is yellow so it might have something interesting.  I consider myself as a creative because I’m too curious about knowing new experience and try to find more information about things if I don’t know anything.  I like to take advantage of accidental events.  For example you don’t know how to cook and one day no one was home. There wasn’t any food at our house and u were tired u can’t go out so if u try to make some kind of food and somehow its turned into something else but not that food u wanted. so i guess that's accidental.

Friday, September 16, 2011

research artist...post #3.

 The albambra located in granda spain. the albambra were built for muslin people.It is a unesco world heritage site and the inspiration for many  song and stories.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


My name is sunara. I am from Bangladesh. I have been in New York for 6 years and live with my family. I speak English Bangla and Hindi. I’m a student of LaGuardia. I’m studying about early child education and my goal is to be a teacher. I choose this picture because I love the picture and the background colors & these cute flowers.

pratice link.

sport- cricket  wikipedia

i like this picture because i want people to know about bangladesh &  about the cricket games...;)
